Good afternoon and welcome. My heartfelt gratitude goes to all our invited Guests and the General Membership of IBAG for honoring the invitation to join us launch our 30th Anniversary Celebration and witness the swearing-in of the new Executive Council members of our noble Association.
One of the benefits of being a Broker for the last 17.5 years is that I am able to look out into the audience and see so many familiar faces. During this period, I have come to know many of you who are here today. I am impressed by your love for this industry, your respect for its history and your confidence in its future. I look forward to working with you as we chart the next 30 years and beyond. I am privileged to work with a talented and dedicated group of individuals and within an industry rich in vitality and promise. Indeed, I deem it a great honor and privilege, as I stand here to give my inaugural speech as the new President of GIBA and for that matter, the first female to be licensed as a Broker in Ghana and to become President of our dear Association. I thank you all for the opportunity.